Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bag of Bones: Conclusion

Bag of Bones Conclusion:

I stopped posting updates because the plot of this book became so convoluted, while not impossible to post a synopsis of every development it became ponderous to do so. The ending of this book was something only a King lover could appreciate, ridiculous. I still like this book and I also think that the beginning of the novel showed that King could write a very nice “mainstream” work if he ever took the trouble to. His collection of mainstream novellas containing, The Body, Apt Pupil and Shawshank Redemption prove this. I wish he would do more in that kind of vain.
I also read Under The Dome a thousand pager King recently released. It’s kind of a small scale version of The Stand only dealing with the destruction of small town instead of the entire world. The “villain” in the piece while evil was not a supernatural evil just a very “evil” man but of a human sort of evil not a demon like in The Stand. The ending was worthy of a sub-par Twilight Zone and the two main male characters were so interchangeable that they may as well have been the same person. If you could wade through the mountains of poor dialogue you got a halfway decent story. Slight praise I know, but for a 1,000 page novel it was slight.

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