Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bag of Bones:Chapter 6 (pages 71-92)

This describes Mike's first visit to Sara Laughs after his wife has died. This chapter establishes that it's been four years since his wife died. He hasn't been in a relationship since and has few friends. He can't write and spends most of his days watching movies and doing crossword puzzles. Why the subject of getting a job isn't even brought up, I'm not sure. Let's just say that King wants to establish that Mike is a lost soul looking for release from the grief. Not troubled, he's stopped drinking, just lost and looking for direction.
He goes to Sara Laughs and the sunflowers that are in his dreams are also there in real life. He tries to recreate his dream by walking up the driveway instead of driving up it. Nothing scary happens to him, no dead wife-corpse comes up the drive to attack him. There is a long drawn out sequence where Mike takes a flashlight and shines it all around the dark house looking for the creepy crying child he thinks he hears. Why he doesn't turn on the lights, which he does a few minutes after the noises stop, is not made clear. He wants to leave after he hears the creepy noises but thinking about it, he decides the crying child was just the pipes and he's going to go ahead and stay at Sara Laughs.
The Next Chapter introduces the psychic child which I am dreading and will put off reading until tomorrow. But so far this book is pretty good for a King book and I am still interested after almost a hundred pages. Let's see if the next hundred pages are as good...

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